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Book Discussion Group

  Dates & times
  • Wed, 09/19/2012 - 10:07pm
  Age Groups



  Dates & times
  • Thu, 12/27/2012 - 6:00pm
  Age Groups



Richwood Library Book Club

  Dates & times
  • Wed, 02/12/2014 - 9:30pm
  Age Groups


The book for February is The Swerve by Stephen Greenblatt

"One of the world's most celebrated scholars, Stephen Greenblatt has crafted both an innovative work of history and a thrilling story of discovery, in which one manuscript, plucked from a thousand years of neglect, changed the course of human thought and made possible the world as we know it.

Book Club

  Dates & times
  • Wed, 02/10/2016 - 9:30pm
  Age Groups


Join us for our Book Club every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5:30 pm.  Enjoy conversation and light refreshments as we discuss our latest selection.  We're reading The Wright Brothers by David McCullough this month.  Stop by the library to get a copy today!

Saturday Club - Art Saturday

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 09/17/2016 - 3:00pm
  Age Groups


Ages 6 and up.  Third Saturday of every month at 11 am.  If you can dream it, you can create it with recycled magazines!


Saturday Club - Game Saturday

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 10/15/2016 - 3:00pm
  Age Groups


Ages 6 and up.  Third Saturday of every month at 11 am.  Team up for a trivia tournament, prizes, and snacks!